Free 5-Day Challenge


Release your superpower with us

Join us on 27 November – 1 December 2023, and let's embark on a beautiful journey of transformation! Whether you're a dreamer, a visionary, or a doer, this event is for you. It's time to discover your greatest asset and jump to the next level in life.


Free 5-Day Challenge


Release your superpower with us

Join us on 27 November – 1 December 2023, and let's embark on a beautiful journey of transformation! Whether you're a dreamer, a visionary, or a doer, this event is for you. It's time to discover your greatest asset and jump to the next level in life.

  • Do you feel dissatisfied with any area of your life?
  • Maybe you've achieved a lot in life, and you genuinely enjoy what you do. Yet, you desire more, which leaves you feeling unsatisfied and you don't know how to get rid of it.
  • Are you considering making life changes but already tried multiple times without success?
  • Do you have dreams, goals and visions for how you'd like to live your life, yet find yourself unsure about the HOW?
  • Maybe you feel completely lost in life, stuck in the same place and you start to lose hope that anything can truly change.
  • You study personal development and you know about the power of the subconcious mind. Maybe you watched "The Secret" but still, your results in life are not to your liking. You don't know how to put the knowledge you've studied into practice.

This is so much more than an event; it’s the entrance to your true potential.


  • We will dive into awareness of who you are and what you are capable of.
  • We will introduce you to the Queenly Mindset, with which you will choose aligned and inspired actions, and forever turn your back to always working harder.
  • We will show you how to shape your reality, regardless of circumstances in life, with the help of your mental muscles.

This is so much more than an event; it’s the entrance to your true potential.


  • We will dive into awareness of who you are and what you are capable of.
  • We will introduce you to the Queenly Mindset, with which you will choose aligned and inspired actions, and forever turn your back to always working harder.
  • We will show you how to shape your reality, regardless of circumstances in life, with the help of your mental muscles.


This free 5-day challenge is about tapping into the power within you, understanding it and using it everyday. Once you learn to live from within, you will be able to manifest like a Queen. Whatever you desire, love, money, health and happiness. It all begins with you!

I know you want more in life!


I want to become unstoppable

“Richness is not about what you have, it's about who you are”

Meet your host Marie Öholm,
who went from Chaos to Queen


I used to struggle and doubt everyday!

I used to wonder how it would feel to be truly happy and successful.. I lived a good life with a loving husband and our dog in a beach house outside Stockholm. But I was stuck. 

I had lost my business and worked hard to succeed in network marketing.. I had big goals and wanted to get out of financial dependency, but I didn't know HOW!

Here I am as living proof that it's never too late to change direction in your life. By the age of 55, wife, mother, grandmother, I said a full YES to myself and invested in a 6-month Mindset program, created by Bob Proctor, which was the start of my transformation.

By doing the work with me I finally got to understand myself, LOVE myself and heal so many of my relationships. 

Today I work as a Queenified Consultant for Proctor Gallagher Institute with the mission to share this knowledge with every living woman who wants more in life.

My passion is to see women grow and find their voice and vision, and together we empower each other in a loving and supporting community – Queenformation

I’m here for you whenever you’re ready.

Much Love,

Meet your host Marie Öholm,
who went from Chaos to Queen


I used to struggle and doubt everyday!

I used to wonder how it would feel to be truly happy and successful.. I lived a good life with a loving husband and our dog in a beach house outside Stockholm. But I was stuck. 

I had lost my business and worked hard to succeed in network marketing.. I had big goals and wanted to get out of financial dependency, but I didn't know HOW!

Here I am as living proof that it's never too late to change direction in your life. By the age of 55, wife, mother, grandmother, I said a full YES to myself and invested in a 6-month Mindset program, created by Bob Proctor, which was the start of my transformation.

By doing the work with me I finally got to understand myself, LOVE myself and heal so many of my relationships. 

Today I work as a Queenified Consultant for Proctor Gallagher Institute with the mission to share this knowledge with every living woman who wants more in life.

My passion is to see women grow and find their voice and vision, and together we empower each other in a loving and supporting community – Queenformation

I’m here for you whenever you’re ready.

Much Love,

Clients Love



The magic happens when you choose you. No more sleepless nights. Everything you need lies within you and your job is to unleash this power.

Join us because you deserve a life filled with love, joy and abundance. Imagine waking up every morning feeling good and fulfilled, excited for a new creative day. Having the ability to create your reality, manifest your dreams and overcome any obstacle. You will receive the key with us to unlock this future.